6th SCS-Syngenta Symposium 2021
«Chemistry lab of the future»
6th SCS-Syngenta Symposium 2021
«Chemistry lab of the future»
Prof. King Kuok Mimi Hii, Imperial College, UK
«Challenges in Training the Next Generation of Synthetic Chemists Fit for the 21st Century»
Prof. Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
«Statistics Are a Girl’s best Friend: Expanding the mechanistic Study Toolbox with Data Science»
Dr. Stevan Djuric, University of Kansas, USA
«The Importance of “Fit for Purpose” Enabling Chemistry Technology in Pharmaceutical Research»
Dr. Petrina Kamya, In silico Medicine, Canada
«Accelerating drug discovery and development through the integration of Machine Learning and classic physics-based computational methods»
Prof. Jason Hein, The University of British Columbia, Canada
«New Tools and Technology to Accelerate Process Chemical Research and Discovery»
Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik, University of Toronto, Canada
«Self-driving laboratories for accelerated discovery»